Ratter Chatter.... DECEMBER 2008 webpage by anniesrats@gmail.com

Ratter Chatter ... DECEMBER 2008

ISSN # 1527-0653

~ in this issue ~

~ comments from Anne ~
~Possible Rat Sightings~
~ Quotes-Trivia-Jokes-Misc~
~ Rat Terrier + Dog Websites ~
~ Rat & AHT Stories + News ~

~COMMENTS from Anne~

It's that time of year for giving! Giving to your family, giving to your community.
It is also that time of year to be grateful for what you do have.
Thanks to my family and friends. I appreciate you!

Anyone, wanting to participate in the Human version of SECRET SANTA
email whipgrey@aol.com, but do it right away, because all SECRET SANTA
presents should be mailed out by DEC 10TH! So get your name and address
to her right away!

THANK you everyone for everything you do everyday for your families, the rattie community,
and for your communities.

Rat Terrier book, charms with true tales and photos you never tire of.
Comical adventures, haps and mishaps of rat terriers. $22.45 to:
Anne Blair, 8367 Nooksack, Everson, Wa 98247, or www.anniesrats.com.

~Possible Rat Sightings~

Petco flyer, pg 8, has a rattie with a red coat on top center of page.
Nov 2- Nov22, 2008 flyer



If you haven't bought tickets yet, don't forget! Ticket sales end December 7th.

RTBRC Photo contest for Novemeber & December (TWO contests)

November is your Favorite rat terrier pictures. Some entries from previous months, that didn't get the most votes,
have be re-nominated by various participants.

December is (of course) HOLIDAY rattie photos - we have alot of great one so far -
but I know there are more so I hope everybody enters!!!

Voting for both contests begins Dec 1st and ends Dec 7th - and then we are on to production!
Each month's winner will get one free calendar - Good luck!!! I hope you guys have enjoyed the contests
as much as we have www.imageevent.com/hurricanedeck/rtbrcphotocontest

Ratty Christmas POSTCARDS for sale to benefit Ratbone Rescues!

Ratbone Rescues has Christmas postcards for sale!! It will cost only 27 cents to send a postcard
instead of 42 cents to send a card with an envelope!!

Please consider buying some. The money raised by the sale of these cards will be used to help
us to pay vet bills and shelter pull fees. Here's a link to the info & pics of the cards:


The cards are high gloss on the picture side and not glossy on the side you write on.
They are standard postcard dimentions (4" by 6")


Sue in NY
Ratbone Rescues Fostermom, etc...
Fostermom to Oh Mickey and Prince Ratbone

click on enter contest
they require a $10 ENTRY FEE

Photos with Santa $8.95
at Petco (call or check at website for locations)
Saturday, December 6 & 13, 2008

EVENTS CALENDAR for NEW Rattitude Rescue


Ratbone Rescues Cookbook for Sale!!!

Link: www.imageevent.com/myportfolio/greatsmokymountaindogclub

Upcoming UKC EVENTS: ukcdogs.com/dogevents/upcoming/i-ev.shtml

ARTA EVENTS: www.geocities.com/artaukc/page15.html

AHTA EVENTS: www.ahta.info/UpcomingShow.html

~ Quotes-Trivia-Jokes-Misc~

To become a courageous leader, you must realize that accepting responsibility is not optional – it's mandatory.
David Cottrell

We're given a code to live our lives by. We don't always follow it, but it's still there.
Gary Oldman

Feedback is the breakfast of champions.
Ken Blanchard

You are always where you most "need" to be.

As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do.
Andrew Carnegie

Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.
Gen. George S. Patton

Never ignore a gut feeling, but also never believe that it's enough.
Robert Heller (adaptation)

THIS is one of my favorite quotes, it makes so much sense, hope you like it also!

Don't waste time pouting if someone suddenly reneges on a promise or disappoints you.
You're all grown-up now -- remember? That means getting used to others who aren't.

~ Rat Terrier + Dog Websites ~


~ Rat & AHT Stories + News ~

Secret Santa.......Human Version

Just a reminder....if you want to play Secret Santa this year,
please email your name and mailing address to me!

Wow - Gigi is a finalist for Best in Show in the DOGSTER coolest dog & cat contest!

there were THOUSANDS of entries and this pic of Gigi is in the finals!!!

whoo hoo

so if you have a dogster page and want a rattie to win, you can vote for Gigi

Vote Gigi - Harpur's Giddy Upp for Best in Show!


Deb DH

Help Save a Rat T. Life by buying Rat Terrier Earrings

Please help us save more Rat T's lives by buying these cute as a Rattie, Rat Terrier Earrings !
Visit the Re Tail store at www.newrattitude.org/shop.htm.
All proceeds support Rat Terrier rescue.
Supplies limited.
**Our foster doggies Thank You**

Disposable dog booties/boots

Hello all,
I am writting cuz I have come across the greatest thing since sandwiches were invented. Frankly I was going
to patent this myself but did nto have the time nor money. I did research to find a disposable dog boot. I found someone
who has a patent pending and is selling them now. My dog Paco is allergic to grass and has to have his feet covered
every time he goes out. Nice boots are expense and can get ruined quite easily. ANYWAY this gentleman has come up
with a boot dry day version and wet days version. This boots are great for various reasons targeting dog lovers who hate
to wipe boots feet after quick pee, vets and animal hospitals for after surgery, even during surgery, dog shows to keep
thier feet clean and dry, trips, dogs with sores on feet to keep them clean and on and on. Actually each pair can be used
a couple of times sometimes. You can actually take the dog for a 10 -15 minute walk and they will hold up. They are great.
I dont make any money from telling you this, I promised the maker of these boots that I would spread the word.
The boot is a lot like the booties you would cover your shoes with in a hospital same this material, but one is water proof as well.
They have a little elastic loop attached to the middle of the boot to wrap it around and it also comes with velcro as an added
secureness for a walk.They come 10 pair in a box. If you are interested in finding out more go to Noobys.com.
The owners name is Rod. Tell him Tara told you about his product. I have tried them on Paco and they are pretty cool,
my vet likes them too (I introduced him and left him a sample). They come in all doggie sizes.

New dog jackets today....kind of a cape style

These have the front legs, no back legs.
View them at www.paws4beads.com


Here are the 10 most unusual dog names:
1. Rush Limbark
2. Sirius Lee Handsome
3. Rafikikadiki
4. Low Jack
5. Meatwad
6. Peanut Wigglebutt
7. Scuddles Unterfuss
8. Sophie Touch & Pee
9. Admiral Toot
10. Spatula

Rat Terrier book, charms with true tales and photos you never tire of.
Comical adventures, haps and mishaps of rat terriers. $22.45 to:
Anne Blair, 8367 Nooksack, Everson, Wa 98247, or www.anniesrats.com.

ISSN # 1527-0653

http://members3.boardhost.com/RATTERRIERS/....Rat Terrier Rest Area/Message Board
Rat Terrier Book by ALICE J. Kane
webpage by anniesrats@gmail.com